Transitional Living Program (TLP)
“The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green, to declare that the Lord is upright; he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.” -Psalm 92:12-15
Residents who have graduated from Still Creek Christian Academy (SCCA) and wish to continue to have our support system as they transition to college, trade school or going into the workforce are invited to be a part of our Transitional Living Program (TLP). TLP offers SCCA graduates a transitional living in three stages.
Stage 1: First semester of college or through the calendar year if entering trade school or the workforce. Young adults at Still Creek will live in the same home they grew up in, now as the big brother or big sister in our boys' or girls' homes respectively. Stage 2: The next three semesters, or roughly one and a half years. Our young adults in the TLP will live on Still Creek Ranch independently in apartment/cabin-style living as they go to school and /or work. Stage 3: Two years after high school graduation. Student will either transfer to university level enrollment, enter the workforce, or begin to exit the TLP if they are successfully employed and ready for independent living. Undergraduates will remain in the TLP and begin to live in Still Creek sponsored housing away from the ranch. This represent the last "phase" of the TLP as we help our resident young adults to true independence, residentially and financially. |